Welcome to Switchvox for Microsoft Teams!


Switchvox app allows Microsoft Teams users to start a phone call using Switchvox PBX.


To use Switchvox app you will need:


After installation you will see Switchvox app icon on shortcuts bar of Microsoft Teams. You can use this icon to open Switchvox bot conversation.

Switchvox app will send welcome prompt with Setup action. Use Setup action to configure the app. You will need to provide following information:


Switchvox app supports several commands allowing connect to Switchvox PBX and start phone calls.


When Switchvox app receives command it can not handle, or when Help command is sent, quick usage info is sent back to you.


You need to configure Switchvox app to start making calls. This could be done using Setup command on initial welcome prompt

Or you can send Configuration command and click Edit configuration

In both cases Switchvox app will open a form to configure connection to your Switchvox PBX

Once configuration is defined and saved, Switchvox app will try to connect to PBX and will send updated configuration information in bot conversation.


Dialing is main use case for Switchvox app. Whenever you need to place a call you do not need to leave Microsoft Teams. You have several ways you can initiate dialing:

After placing a call, Switchvox app will notify you, by sending a message. You can click this message to redial the same number later.


Switchvox app tracks a list of numbers dialed using the app. To show your recent calls list use Redial command.

Clicking an item in redial list will open dialer form.

Select or enter a number when prompted and click Dial to start a call.

Sign out

Sign out clears all information collected by application for the user, including configuration, recent calls list, authentication information. Please note that even though configuration is fully cleared on server, bot conversation history will be preserved.

Once user is signed out, Switchvox app will send a welcome message to start app configuration again.

Contextual dialing

Switchvox app adds an action at the bottom of Microsoft Teams compose box. This action behaves differently depending on your current context.

Notes to administrators

Switchvox app has to be granted access to several scopes in your Active Directory, to allow app perform contact information lookups in Active Directory on behalf of a user. This step can be performed only by account with administrative permissions. List of scopes:

Procedure of granting such access to the app is very simple.

  1. Open https://ms-teams-swvx.sangoma.com/admin/
  2. Enter your Azure Tenant ID (e.g. 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000) or Tenant FQDN (example.onmicrosoft.com)
  3. Click Continue